
For Our Health

Do you do anything for your “health”? I recently had a small medical scare where I thought there might be seriously wrong with me. Turns out, it’s just stress! (cue hysterical laughter). So as a result I’ve been trying to find small ways to “improve my health” as it were. But I’m so lazy…and I really feel like there isn’t enough time…so instead,  I thought I’d assuage my guilt and list the things I already do on a daily basis to try to be a good citizen. And of course ask you all what you do to be healthy as well, so I can try to be motivated. First, here are the (meager) habits that I’ve managed to incorporate into my own routine:

My tree!

1. Lemon water. I have a lemon tree in my backyard, so this is easy. Each morning (or every other) I go out and cut one down and squeeze it into my water. I drink LOTS of water (this is my one good habit, which stems from high school, when I thought it would help with zits – it didn’t). But by then I’d gotten used to it. I’m convinced drinking lemon water has helped me ward off all sorts of nasty diseases that troop through household courtesy of my children. And it’s yummy, especially squeezed in some Pellegrino.

By the way, for anybody who tells me that they just cannot drink enough water – this Hydroflask is my favorite gift of choice. Fill it up in the morning, and just finish it by the evening. Easy!

2. Probiotics. Yeah I don’t know if they really work. Am I just wasting my money? But I’m on the train nonetheless. I’ve experimented with different brands and over the years have settled on this one from Garden of Life. I really like it! Not to get too gross, but I’m very ah…regular with it. It’s a little more expensive than other brands but I’m convinced this is a good one.

3. Breathing exercises. I do a certain breathing exercise whenever I have a spare moment – in line at the grocery store, waiting to fill up a jug of my water, etc.  Now let’s be clear – I’m very far from a six pack – but I can kind of get away with a two piece swimsuit (only in the morning, before I’ve had breakfast, sucking in the entire time) because of it. And it’s easy! You just “breathe in”. PS: This is largely for those who have had a baby. If you haven’t and still want to read on, be warned that this article contains the words “mommy pooch”.

4. Teas. I count tea as water (and I don’t want to know if I shouldn’t). My favorite tea (for “health” purposes) is raspberry tea. I really think it has made my period cramps much better! Try it, if you have trouble. Also I think it tastes quite nice.

5. Night walks. Each evening I do a brisk half hour walk. It gives me energy (otherwise I feel like collapsing at the end of the day) and its a great time to collect my thoughts. Sometimes I’m very lazy but I usually force myself and am glad for it.

Something I don’t do: Meditation. My doctor suggested this and I’ve recommended it many, many times but I still can’t get “into” it. I never reach that peaceful state. All I reach is that moment where I think tons of times has gone by but really none has, and I give up and research pretty things I might one day like to buy. Although you know, that’s been fairly relaxing too. Do you meditate?

What do you do, for your health?

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  • Reply
    June 4, 2018 at 8:25 am

    Thank you for sharing the article on the Mummy Tummy. I’m going to try this out. I should be doing things for my health, but I guess it just gets put on the back burner. Or more truthfully, I do them in spurts. I’ll be so good about exercising or eating well for a while and then I stop. And then a couple of months pass and I pick it up again. My sister has been drinking the Dr. Axe detox drink and feels it is making a difference.
    I look forward to reading the comments to this post.

  • Reply
    Engineer L
    June 4, 2018 at 10:00 am

    I try to work out at least twice a week and eat healthy most of the time. I used to struggle a lot with both. I’d try to be healthier for a while and then slowly drift back into old bad habits. About two years ago, I was finally able to stop being a couch potato and start living a more active lifestyle, which I blogged about. I also used to eat out a lot, which was both expensive and unhealthy. These days, I’m much better about it, because I figured out how to make quick healthy meals, which I also blogged about.

    Other than that, I drink a lot of water and take multi-vitamins every day. The jury is still out on whether vitamins actually work, but they make me feel like I’m doing something.

  • Reply
    June 4, 2018 at 10:02 am

    Hi Katherine! I like accuflora probiotics. Also, drinking a mix of amazing grass detox and digest helps. I’ve read that drinking raw apple cider vinager with juice helps your digestive system too. I love black, and green iced tea! I could my tea as water also!

  • Reply
    June 4, 2018 at 10:03 am

    Sorry about the typo. I count iced tea as water too!

  • Reply
    June 4, 2018 at 10:34 am

    Hi Kathy,

    I am madly envious of your lovely lemon tree. I squeeze the juice of half a lemon into hot(ish) water every morning – it’s just seems like a good idea. Apparently (I have no evidence) it’s better to drink hot water than cold; I find it easier to drink anyway.

    Have a great week – keep well,

  • Reply
    June 4, 2018 at 2:47 pm

    I’ve had a mild and almost certainly stress-induced health scare myself: I had a discomfort and sort of tightness in my upper chest, up near the throat, for the entirety of the time spent studying for the bar (not to a scary, truly breathing-constricting extent, and I could still do cardio exercise comfortably with the condition). Thankfully, that stopped as soon as I took the exam and never came back. I think I’m not the only attorney who has enough stress to sometimes cause physical symptoms due to the job and, alas, there may not be any real solution for that except switching jobs, given the nature of some law jobs.

    My SO and I are both lawyers and we try to watch our health with regular exercise (and longer than is strictly efficient workouts that, like your walks, let us get out of our heads a bit) and trying to eat healthier. It may not be enough, and we may not be able to make bigger changes, but we do our best.

  • Reply
    June 4, 2018 at 11:47 pm

    I second lemon/lime water. Our family drinks it everyday with a teaspoon of honey. My mom is 50 with no health issue whatsoever, so I am convinced of her routine.

  • Reply
    June 5, 2018 at 4:47 am

    Water counts as anything with water in it; it’s the extras in the liquid that can make or break your day.

  • Reply
    June 5, 2018 at 9:12 am

    Health scares are all too real, I have a couple of them *shudder*
    But the biggest was being almost pre-diabetic back in Summer 2016. I had gestational diabetes and diabetes does run in my family. After that scare, I made a concerted effort to reduce my carb intake and starting exercising. I lost weight in the process which was great but most importantly, my blood sugar levels went back to normal. I exercise everyday and aim to put in 20K steps a day (walking whenever I can plus jogging). There have been lapses (like when I was studying for my certification) or experiencing other health issues (unexplained stomach bloat pain which has thankfully gone away) but overall, I make sure to get my cardio in. I love to eat and I love my sweets. So to balance that out, I reduce my starchy carb intake so that I can eat some sweets. I don’t have cheat days per se, I just eat what I want, in moderation but if I have consumed too much starch/sweets then I try to put in more steps. My goal this year is to incorporate strength training at least 1-2x a week. What drives me to be healthy is to wanting to be here for my girls for a long time.

  • Reply
    June 6, 2018 at 6:34 pm

    The only consistent thing I’ve done health-wise (for almost 40 years) is yoga. The last few years have been primarily vinyasa flow. For me, it’s like a moving meditation and so much easier to still my mind in postures than when actually sitting still. And, it great for breathing.

    I’m a looong time reader and have only commented occasionally, mostly on the big life events that you’ve graciously shared with us. Somehow, your book news slipped past me. I pre-ordered instantly! My interest in your blog started with fashion (Hermes) but deepened because of your skilled writing abilities. I’m a voracious reader as well and your book and even article suggestions are always well received.

    I’m so thrilled for you. Well done!

    • Reply
      June 8, 2018 at 9:41 pm

      Thank you so much fore pre-ordering Cat!! I hope you enjoy!

  • Reply
    Jan P
    June 6, 2018 at 9:37 pm

    Check out the “Headspace” app. 🙂 Hope you can reduce stress soon…perhaps a vacation?

  • Reply
    June 7, 2018 at 3:47 am

    I stretch a lot. After I wake up, I stand up rotate my head/neck, shoulders, hips, knees etc; squat; lunge, etc and do whatever I can throughout the day and more before I sleep. Stretching isn’t going to burn off all the cake and sweets I shouldn’t have eaten, but I find that I tense up my muscles when I’m mentally stressed so the thinking is that stretching my body will also help relax my mind. I’m pretty sure I didn’t completely make that up. Congratulations on your book by the way! What an accomplishment!

  • Reply
    June 8, 2018 at 6:41 am

    Bedtime yoga is my happiest discovery in the past year after having baby. It really helps relax my body and mind. It makes a huge difference in my sleep quality! Another thing I tried doing is eating well: seasonal local produce, more veggies and more home cooking. I made a note to try the lemon water!

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