
2021 Wardrobe (And More) Resolutions

Sale PSA: A gorgeous (but still $$) black gown from Brandon Maxwell, now 60% off,the ever popular MaxMara teddy coat, now 36% off, a simple rollneck sweater from Madewell, now 50% off, and the ultra light down jacket from Uniqlo at the cheapest price I’ve seen it all season, now under $50.

Hello! As I’ve mentioned in earlier years, I am a resolution person! I write them down in my journal in the beginning of the year and I actually do reference back to them (kind of!). So here are some of my own resolutions – wardrobe and more – for 2021, and I’d love to hear yours:

1. Buy 20 items or clothing or less. In prior years, it was 25. I made that this year so now I’m going to try for twenty! Including sweatpants as I stocked up plenty last year (but excluding underwear). I’d like to buy less stuff in general. But again it’s always a balance between a) enjoying things that make me happy and b) consuming less.

2. No new bags. I don’t need anymore. Okay maybe only if one of my super duper unicorns from the big H comes in. But this is so highly unlikely that I feel quite confident. And on another note, a side resolution: use my existing bags.

3. Wait a few days (or a least one sleep) before clicking the “buy” button. This has been so helpful for me! I also realize in times of stress I’ll just try and distract myself with obsessing over an item. The fact that I now have no events to shop for (“hmm…these heeled Viviers are perfect for standing in line at Trader Joes”) has been helpful. I’m going to continue this going into the new year.

4. Eat healthier. Yeah I know 2020 has been something, and we’ve been indulging. But while I theoretically can keep going up sizes in sweatpants I think it’s likely time to dial down chocolates and snacks just a little bit. The other day I had the worst stomach ache and realized the likely culprit was that my leggings were too tight. That wasn’t a good feeling. So I think by eating a little better, I would also just feel better.

5. Drink less. I actually gave up drinking for most of 2020. It was obviously convenient for me as we had nowhere to go out, but as time went on I realized I felt better when I don’t drink (well maybe not as good as when I’m ACTUALLY drinking, during which I’m pretty chipper). That being said if we all get the vaccine and can go to restaurants yeah, I’m ordering the sangria! BUT I’ve also realized I sleep a lot better if I stop drinking around the 8 PM mark at the latest. So I’m going to try to keep to this.

What are your 2021 resolutions? Wardrobe or life?

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  • Reply
    January 4, 2021 at 10:08 am

    Those are great resolutions! Though I love my evening wine at date night with my husband, I can relate to feeling better without alcohol. I have never kept track of how MANY items I bought, but I have always kept track of what and how much. I will try the number of item resolution, thanks to your inspiration! 20 is too ambitious for me right now but I will try the 25 :).

    Other than that I am not a resolution person, so I don’t have much to add. I like to see the year as more continuous in most self improvement areas.

  • Reply
    January 4, 2021 at 12:03 pm

    I love your resolutions!
    I have some habit resolutions: I want to re-establish my night time skincare routine and I’d like to get into the habit of going for a walk daily. I want to get back into my regular yoga and drinking water habits. I find when I’m doing these things I just feel better and get more done.
    I’d also really like to be better at menu planning, so that’s on the list. I’m going to try to space each habit out by month so it’s less overwhelming.
    I love your limited purchases. There were so many good deals last year on beautiful clothes and shoes that I’m well stocked on those! I do have some purchases of things I love so I might make those the limited purchase items.
    My last resolutions are around work and blogging.
    I rarely drink and what we did do in 2020 was buy 1/2 bottles– champagne and wine. It was a really pleasant way to have a mimosa or make dinner feel festive but without wasting or over indulging.

    • Reply
      January 5, 2021 at 3:23 pm

      1/2 bottles is a great idea!

  • Reply
    January 4, 2021 at 1:23 pm

    My goal is to stop buying things In general. I don’t need a single material thing. Achieving this would be epic. I am focused on having things leave the premises. So far, so good. This should be achievable because I’m the only person living in my house. There’s no one else here to screw this up. It’s all on me. I’ve minimized my life many times. I have no problem letting things go. My weakness is not bringing more in to fill the void.
    Art is my kryptonite. It’s where I’m most likely to fail. Despite the fact that the framer was closed for most of last year, I did purchase a painting several months ago. It’s being framed now.

  • Reply
    revanche @ a gai shan life
    January 4, 2021 at 7:51 pm

    I am usually a goals person, which feels like a close cousin to resolutions, but 2021 is probably not the year for it! At least I’m not feeling it right now. I may change my mind as we get deeper into the year though. For now, it’s just a lot of small life things on a to do list.

    I’m going to reopen the Lakota Giving Project at some point, keep Smol Acrobat alive and healthy, keep JB alive and healthy, walk more frequently to get up to a better level of fitness (which currently feels like a 0), and generally keep our lives with two jobs, two kids, two dogs and all the details related to them on an even keel. That’s enough to start with.

  • Reply
    January 5, 2021 at 5:42 am

    lose weight…….sigh……covid calories…..I’m not going to stop myself from shopping because I realised that it really pulls me out of that awful sense of pandemic doom. Anyway, I have almost no urge to shop for expensive fashion items, only stuff like bedsheets and shower gels.

  • Reply
    January 5, 2021 at 12:48 pm

    Ha ha!! I’m cracking up at the Viviers in line at Trader Joes. I do that!! If you think about it, it doesn’t make sense, but I’m tired of sitting around the house in lounge wear so going to Target or the grocery store becomes an event to wear “real” clothes. I live in the north bay (generally very casual) but wore Gucci to Whole Foods on Saturday. I got plenty of looks but also compliments from a couple of women who must have understood how I feel. Middle of last year I was more reasonable in purchasing. I wasn’t going anywhere, didn’t need anything. Since Christmas I’ve already bought 4 pair of shoes, 1 pair of boots, a bag and numerous garments. None of them lounge/house wear. Irrational as that is, I think I just had my fill of not feeling like “me”. As far as fashion goals for 2021, I’m going to make a real effort to dress more stylish while hanging out at home. Wearing my real clothes will keep me more to my regular habit of diet and exercise and I’ll just generally feel better. Wearing sweats saw me gain 8 lbs last year. That’s unheard of for me but I just don’t notice it creeping up when I don’t wear my normal clothes.

    • Reply
      January 5, 2021 at 3:23 pm

      This makes complete sense! I am having the same issue (almost down the same # of pounds) with weight gain and not noticing and wonder if I need to dress up more, too. What are your fave comfy clothes for home? And Id compliment you too at WF!

      • Reply
        January 7, 2021 at 2:41 pm

        Well, nothing fancy! For now I’m just trying to break out of the slob look I got so used to. It seems I’m falling into a uniform because I don’t have many ideas myself but what I’m wearing today is a pair of COH Emerson jeans, a lt. blue oxford cloth button up shirt, untucked, with the sleeves rolled, Dior Direction loafers (the ones with the kiltie), a big necklace and diamond studs. Completely casual but I don’t have to shriek, “Nooooo!!!!” when my kids or husband pull out their camera either. That’s what I did all last year which led to there not being any pictures of me with my family. I felt bad about that so that’s a big part of my motivation to get with it.

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