
Weekend Update

Sale PSA: Simple ballet flats from Everlane, now under $60 for a limited time, heeled (!!) boots from Doc Marten, now $108, a cast iron 4 Qt. cocotte from Staub, now under $150, a linen beach caftan from Tory Burch, now 40% off, and a light padded parka from Uniqlo, now under $20.

My friends, I hope you have all been taking care of yourselves during this Longest Week Ever. What can I say? It looks like it is good news. I’m sorry if it was bad news for you. But I hope we can all be mature and calm. And even if you were on the opposite side of the vote I hope the next four years turn out better than you thought. That unfortunately was not my experience from 2016-2020.

Okay, moving on!

1. Sharing my current favorite Etsy necklace:

I love this necklace. I’m a sucker for lariat designs in general and I think this chain/conch design is so pretty. And you can do solid gold! Or vermeil! The whole store is great, honestly. I am tempted by many items including the coin necklaces (like this leopard one).

2. An interesting piece, via the NY Times – Is This The End Of The Manicure? I stopped painting my fingernails ages ago but used to always do my toenails. Sorry if this is yucky but over the years my big toe nail was a little brittle/cracked from never seeing the sun. Over Covid I decided not to paint them anymore, to give them a break, and all my nails have completely grown out and now I have fresh new nails that have never been painted. I can tell they are a lot healthier and happier! But you know, I also miss cute sandal season when we could wear pretty dresses and hang out carefree outside. And to me cute sandal season does equal painted toes. Oh well, we’ll see in 2021.

3. Another interesting article, via The Cut: Shameless On Vacation. What do you think? I think there’s gradients here, levels of personal responsibilities. I do think if you are affluent and not an essential worker and kind of just breezing on without health/financial cares during Covid in general, you owe a responsibility to at least TRY to not get sick and infect a bunch of others and thus tax our hospital system. Which isn’t necessarily synonymous with traveling but also a bunch of other stuff. Oh lord, am I just on edge after this week?? Am I being terribly sanctimonious?

4. A fascinating true crime piece, via Vanity Fair, of the disappearance of Jennifer Farber. This is a long one, for one you need some distraction from ah…current events.

5. This week I read, The Meaning of Mariah Carey.

I think I mentioned earlier….I’m on a biography kick lately! And Mariah’s is definitely a good one to read. You learn so much about her childhood, development…and Mariah definitely has a strong voice on the page (she also worked with a ghostwriter, Michaela Davis, and puts her name on the cover, which not all celebrities, etc do). If there’s one area of disappointment, it’s that Mariah breezes past things she doesn’t want to talk about – no James Packer gossip here! But there is so much about her work, her art, and I finished this with so much respect for her craft. If you love Mariah Carey (and/or her songs), or are just interested in an artist’s evolution, I recommend you read The Meaning of Mariah Carey.

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  • Reply
    November 6, 2020 at 10:06 am

    I voted Republican; the party’s stated values most closely align with mine. You are the only blogger I’ve read who has thrown even the tiniest bit of sympathy and understanding toward those who support the losing party. I truly thank you for those kind words. And I do pray that four years of Biden/Harris turn out better than I fear. And I hope for reconciliation across our nation! And now I’m off to read about Jennifer Farber’s disappearance. Have a lovely day!

    • Reply
      November 6, 2020 at 10:24 am

      Thanks for both being honest and public about your beliefs (many are not, especially in the face of public pushback) and for your willingness to hope for a reconciliation. You are better than so many. I truly hope it is a better four years for all of us. Wishing you well!

  • Reply
    November 6, 2020 at 11:19 am

    I am also on tenterhooks this week…although it looks good at the moment. I have nothing against those who hold Republican views, other than those who call themselves Pro-Life and want to visit their values on the rest of us who value private choice. Unfortunately, President Trump displayed beliefs and encouraged actions that I don’t think are traditionally Republican…the most upsetting thing is there are enough people in this country who were able to make it such a close contest.

  • Reply
    November 6, 2020 at 11:23 am

    I stopped getting manicures and only get a couple of pedicures in the summer. I really hated the time and expense of both and am happy I moved on from the habit. To treat myself, I bought a couple Dior nail treatments and I love them – the cuticle oil is paint on and smells wonderful and the pink mail treatment polish gives a very subtle pink tinge to your nails. Now I just need to find a really great foot cream and I’m set!

  • Reply
    November 6, 2020 at 2:04 pm

    Longest week ever but slowly starting to feel the huge weight from the past 4 years lift off of my shoulders. I didn’t truly realize how much a toll these years have taken on me until last night. I ended up sobbing on the couch at 2AM to my poor boyfriend about how I felt like the Republican party hates every part of my identity (Asian American woman) and how horrible it feels to know you’re hated by half the nation. I just hope that the increased xenophobia that has been encouraged and run rampage doesn’t continue and we can slowly move towards a path of a (finally) united country again.

  • Reply
    November 7, 2020 at 3:13 am

    Unfortunately systemic racism exists in every part of the globe. Just like in America, in other countries it is usually hidden. This is an area where increased education can help significantly among cultures, and it starts with the children. Usually kids learn racial discrimination from their parents or from their peers. Teaching empathy helps. Perhaps wars can be prevented…but as you can see, there is a long way to go. We need to keep teaching the young, and hope they teach their children.

    I am looking forward to seeing emotional IQ at play when Biden is officially president. He may not be business savvy and cut throat as Trump, but I do believe his emotional intelligence is very high. He may be one of the best presidents in America. He is already trying to unite parties and the nation. We shall see.

    And we have this pandemic… I hope he listens to all his scientists and heads their advice. I am sick of this pandemic. I hope he holds news conferences like Gov Cuomo in NY and goes beyond to help the American people and possibly the globe. Wear a mask and stop the spread! Or maybe it is just too late.

    I also look forward to US going Green. We need to reverse or stop killing the environment. In 20 years, the earth will be hotter than ever. We need to help the future of our children and generations for years to come, and I am glad we have a chance to start this soon with Biden’s efforts.

    I won’t be surprised if Trump will have criminal charges facing him after he steps out of office. He did a lot of illegal things while he was president. Perhaps that would finally stop him from Twittering and enticing more hate. BY the way, some Asians voted Republican… and also Black and Mexican males voted for Trump despite Trump calling Mexicans don’t feel like this is an all white vote against Asians. Perhaps they’ll be enlighten in the years to come of what their beloved Trump was doing behind the White House aside from playing golf and eating hamburgers and exacerbating hate.

    Cheers to possibly a good 2021!

  • Reply
    November 7, 2020 at 1:00 pm

    I don’t think you are being sanctimonious at all. The selfishness of those interviewed is what makes the numbers continue to rise.

  • Reply
    November 13, 2020 at 5:49 pm

    For those who are interested in the Mariah Carey autobiography… get the audio book, which she narrates. It is WORTH IT. She’s a queen and I will always love and value her voice but with her narration the story comes alive. She has so much depth and is so witty and I don’t think she gets enough credit for that. I have been power walking while listening to celebrity memoirs throughout the pandemic. It’s my new habit to keep myself sane. MC’s is amazing. I also enjoyed Demi Moore’s and Jessica Simpson’s if you’re looking for others. Take care!

    • Reply
      November 15, 2020 at 4:32 pm

      Holy smokes! I am not an audiobook prson but I might break it for hers!

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