
Weekend Update

Sale PSA: High waist jeans from Paige, now 45% off, a slide sandal from Vince, now 40% off, the Everlane day boot in Ecru, now $180, tan suede sandals from Pedro Garcia, now 70% off, a pretty linen mini dress from Reformation, now 30% off, almost everything from Reformation is 30-70%(!!) off at Nordstrom and these super cute plates from Clare V for Anthropologie, now 25% off.

1. This week, sharing this cute linen-cotton jumpsuit from the Gap.

I like everything about this! The color! The style! The fabric! All the various sizes they offer (tall, petite). I really hope Gap makes it out of this – I actually shop it more for the kids than myself lately, but I really love their kid’s clothing. The designs are always great.

2. A quick piece from Fast Company, about how spending on clothes went down 50% last month. That is huge. Did you buy less? I did, but actually did a decent amount of shopping this month, all on lounge wear (per my last post).

3. Curious to hear your thoughts on this piece, via The NY Times, about the death of the department store. This makes me sad. I did an event awhile ago for my book at the Long Island Lord & Taylor – I still remember the store’s GM, how passionate she was about bringing unique experiences to her store, and doing events with the local community. It was (is) such a well run store and I hope it survives, amongst many ohers.

4. An interesting article, via The Fashion Law, about a Valentino vs. Valentino lawsuit – I have definitely seen these “other” Valentino pieces for years and always wondered.

5. This week I read Open Book, the memoir written by Jessica Simpson.

So many of you loved Save Me The Plums (last week’s rec) so I am really excited to share this one! In short: I loved it. Even though the book was written with a ghostwriter (like most celebrity memoirs) you can see how Simpson is a natural writer herself – she has a gift for storytelling. Seriously, she is talented. And she’s HONEST. I knew very little about Simpson before and left this book with so much respect for her – I’d read any book written by her, and I hope she keeps recording her life. I highly recommend Open Book.

Stay safe, everyone…see you next week!

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  • Reply
    April 25, 2020 at 7:36 am

    I listened to an open forum session hosted by Andy Cohen on Sirius. Jessica was the guest that week, promoting this book. I was struck by 1) how quick she was to ‘diss’ her past (read: Nick Lachey). That whole bit about a baby shower gift was a story Jessica and her team started, only for her to disown it when things got a little blown up, and 2) her selective ‘candor.’ Whatever gets her clicks, mentions and reads she’ll talk endlessly about (chicken or fish, the divorce with Nick where she had to pay alimony yet it was her and her father who decided not to do a pre-nup to begin with because at the time of the marriage he was arguably the bigger star and making more). The shadiest thing she said? Well, apparently she was offered Rachel McAdams’ role in ‘The Notebook’ first! She claimed she passed on it because of the sex and kissing scenes, and (this is the clincher) “…by the way I’m so glad it went to Rachel because my goodness, she needed it…”
    I can’t with her. I absolutely cannot.

    • Reply
      April 26, 2020 at 9:17 am

      This was such an interesting perspective! I don’t know anything about her and don’t really follow her (though I love Andy, ha!) so thank you for sharing! Of course it was her book so her side – so interesting to hear the other side, thank you!

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