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The Almost Sold Bag

I’ve done a few posts on my various closet clean outs and in them I usually get some questions about what specifically I sold, what I didn’t, etc. I think all of us (me included) are always interested in the details! So even though it’s a terribly micro topic I thought today I’d share with you a bag that I almost sold…the thought process and what ended up happening.

The bag: 28cm Anemone Kelly.

The reason? The same reason for all of my bags lately of course, especially the very pretty, expensive ones – the kids! This bag arrived in late 2015, the same year my first baby did, and so I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that I’d worn it out and about…I don’t know, five times total? Or less? It’s painful to think about it. Over the years I’d gotten rid of other bags but this one stayed around, first because it was a special order and I remember how excited I was when I got it. My husband also ended up picking it up for me on a business trip since I ended up being on maternity leave when it came in, so I had memories there. But I wasn’t using it.

Then, last month, I decided to get rid of it. It was too expensive to have lying around…and plus I’m a neutral girl. So I went and got some quotes from various consignment shops, and boxed it up and had it ready to go. I was totally ready to say bye bye – generally, when I make the decision I want to get rid of a bag – I just do.

…but then, for some reason, I couldn’t get rid of it! It was like infecting my mind…which is insane because I generally have a bunch of stuff I’m thinking about and it was distracting me from other important stuff I had to work on (TAXES UGH). So I finally took it out of the box where it was already taped up and ready to go and took it back out. It sat there, and I hemmed and hawed and finally this weekend decided to take it out for a spin. I’ve been wearing crossbody bags and backpacks stuffed with snacks and wipes for years but my kids are bigger now, they are slightly more self-sufficient, I can actually start using my nicer bags. I think I was actually in shock, really, that I got through an entire day with just my Kelly. It’s funny, after all this time in pure “mommy mode”.

Here’s the outfit yesterday – wearing the bag was a pleasure actually, and seeing the color now I think I should wear it more!

Anyway – that’s my little story to share today, of a bag that almost left – most of the time, the vast majority actually, the item is jettisoned – but my Kelly is here to stay.

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  • Reply
    March 25, 2019 at 8:53 am

    Great decision!!!! Can’t let the kiddos steal all your fancy (yes coming from a childless lady).

  • Reply
    March 25, 2019 at 9:03 am

    I’m so glad you decided to keep this GORGEOUS Kelly! I am more of a neutrals person myself, with bags. For this one though, I think you were right on to make an exception. It’s stunning, and I can assure you that even on days when it feels you will have toddlers forever….you won’t. I love that you are wearing it out and about with your kids. Stylish mama! Can I ask about your dress Katherine? It’s so pretty!

  • Reply
    March 25, 2019 at 9:55 am

    I think you look lovely with this bag and the dress. (What is the dress ?) being a neutral girl myself, I know what you mean, but you really do look exquisite together!

  • Reply
    March 25, 2019 at 11:02 am

    You look wonderful, and the bag looks wonderful:) both of you do!

  • Reply
    March 25, 2019 at 12:13 pm

    So glad you kept it! It looks great on you!

  • Reply
    March 25, 2019 at 12:20 pm

    That is a gorgeous bag! I love that color. If you decide to sell it, let us know to which site. A lot of us will gladly take that baby home. 🙂 It is practically unused.

    Yes, as others have said, time for you to dress like the stylish mama you are. Don’t let the kids take over your style and exquisite tastes! Your daughter will eventually enjoy seeing you dress up (and down when the occasion calls for it). Plus keep that purse for her. She may end up loving it when she is of age as the color is rare to come by.

  • Reply
    A V A
    March 25, 2019 at 1:46 pm

    Dear Kat,

    Firstly you look beautiful – that outfit is perfection and understated! 🙂 I am so glad you hesitated and went with your gut to keep this lovely Special Order Anemone – I remember when you got her and shared with us the gorgeous Iris inside -what a joy she must be to open and use!

    The bag looks stunning on you and I am confident Future-Kat will be chuffed she kept this one. 😉

    Please remember you can ALWAYS sell if you want and with the wonderful condition you keep your bags in that will never be an issue for you to get them sold fast. On that note, for the sake of argument, if you didn’t want to you wouldn’t even need to deal with a consignment shop/site (thus losing a percentage of your earnings on their commission) you could just sell it through your IG account or through here or make up a separate IG account for “featherfactorsale” for example. I am sure that would be far more convenient and lucrative, right? Actually, wait, sorry I am thinking aloud as I am typing…being that this was SO the cost would be way more than (thinking banking requirements on taxes over certain numbers)…hmm…yep, nope, I still agree with my initial posit, you could theoretically sell directly to a reader, for example, and get more ROI I am confident- lol! 😀 Though not sure if you’d want to and if you’d want more anonymity…hopefully this selling bug will be moot and you will keep this gorgeousness forever. 😀

    She’s a keeper! 🙂


    • Reply
      March 26, 2019 at 1:25 am

      I have to agree with Ava. I was wondering as wellwhy you don’t sell directly via instagram or Poshmark since a lot of us “know” you pretty well enough like bb10lue in instagram. Enough to know your items are legit or authentic. You would need a PayPal account and verify that us buyers are legit as well…which is why you might hesitate to go that route in case of disputes. In cases like bb10lue, she sells to “friends”. And as Ava pointed out, she tends to be break even or even make a bit of a profit compared to going through a reseller with her Hermes items.

      I would love to know what Hermes bags you did end up keeping. You had quite a collection. I loved that etoupe Birkin you had from way back when, and I felt relieved when you admitted it was quite heavy – that pretty ended my lust for Birkins in size 30. I think size 25 might work for you although it is smaller. I hope you kept the Constance!

      • Reply
        March 27, 2019 at 1:20 pm

        Hi to you and Ava! Honestly it’s really just a time issue – I have to try and save time where I can and this is just where I choose – super easy for me just to send something off to consignment and they deal with the photos, communications, etc. A size 25B is on my future list!

  • Reply
    March 25, 2019 at 6:30 pm

    hi kat, im glad you made the decision to keep it. you will always be a mommy but you won’t stay in same style! real good things’ value are only found in a decade.

  • Reply
    Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life
    March 25, 2019 at 8:36 pm

    It IS gorgeous. I do get that way about some things randomly when I thought I’d resolved to get rid of it, strange impulses but I’m glad when we listen.

  • Reply
    Diane W.
    March 25, 2019 at 9:44 pm

    With the back story, this bag may be one to use now and, later on, to pass on to your daughter.

  • Reply
    March 28, 2019 at 7:14 pm

    On the topic of fancy bags and kids, I also had a K28 as well as a Croc Kelly Cut arrive the same year as my baby. I thought I would get a lot of use out of the K28 because of the shoulder strap and casual vibe of the Retourne. As for the Kelly Cut, I though I would have to stash it away for years until my baby grow older before I could use clutches again. But to my surprise, it turned out quite the opposite. I only used the K28 once! But I have taken the Croc Kelly Cut out more times than I can count. Despite the K28’s utility, I quickly realized it was unrealistic to wear fancy bags out with a baby. I was already carrying around a diaper bag and a baby, adding any more bulk was counter productive. Not to mention, my baby’s dirty feet were always at the perfect kicking angle to whatever bag I wear when I carry her. But with the Kelly Cut, I would use it every time I went out without baby – whether it was a brief date night with the hubby or a more formal event. It was funny reading your post because I have been thinking about selling the K28 since I had only used it once in 2 years!

  • Reply
    March 29, 2019 at 4:16 pm

    Hi, Kat. I have been thinking the same. I have a retourne Kelly 28 in raisin special ordered, which took over 2 years to arrive. I have always liked Kelly and I even special ordered the length of the strap so I can wear it cross body. Thought I would wear it a lot then somehow it just doesn’t suit me. it is a skin tone or I don’t know what it is but it just doesn’t feel right. But, I can’t let it go just because I don’t want to wait for another 2 years to get another Kelly! My children are big so it is not that I can’t use it for that reason…. just out of curiosity, was your quite more than the retail price? i know Birkin is always above the retail if new or hardly worn but Kelly?

    • Reply
      March 30, 2019 at 8:36 pm

      It was slightly above retail for US + tax, but not by very much!

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