
Being Short

Did you know I’m short? Yes, because I mention it all the time. It’s one of those things I complain about on a consistent basis, whenever I have to hop onto the edge of my counter to grab some bowl or dish I need on a high shelf, which is pretty much everyday. And, it makes shopping annoying too.

Over the years, I’ve honed in on a few “rules” I follow given my particular frame (short with a longer torso). I try to stick to these as much as possible. Also, please note that some of these are “don’ts” as well as “dos” – I’ve found that what you stay away from is just as important as what you buy!

1. Higher waists. This is obvious but bears repeating because quite often there are very cute drop waist pieces, especially dresses, like this Rebecca Taylor one (ugh). And when I see them, I think, well, everyone knows that it is a drop waist and it’ll look cute and flapperish on me. NO! This never happens. The first time I recall ever being tricked was a DVF dress that Marissa Cooper wore on the OC. Marissa Cooper was a giant but still I thought this dress was soo good, so I got it. And never wore it. I try to think about this whenever I see a piece with a low waist. Whenever possible, I stick to higher waistlines – on dresses, shoes, skirts, pants.

2. No cage shoes.  Another item which usually gets struck off my shopping list. Which is a shame because I REALLY like them. And they are generally more comfortable than all those naked shoes out there that were so popular a season or so ago. Ugh! An exception I’ve found are the Aquazurra “Sexy Thing” , but I have to stick to light colors.

3. Take a photo, if you really want to be sure. I can’t tell you how many times I have thought a dress/pair of pants/skirt was all fine and fetching until I saw a photo and knew it had to immediately go back. In the world of smartphones and full length mirrors, there is really no excuse except for laziness. And I understand – I am lazy. But if you really want to know, take a photo.

4. Accept your height. I know that I’m not a lithe 5’10 model. I’m well aware of this. Yet, whenever I see a dress or jacket or coat draped just so on a website – I seem to think that I kind of could be, you know? I mean…we both have dark hair. I own sunglasses kind of like that. The effect could be the same, no? Rid yourself of this delusion and you will save yourself many costly mistakes.

5. Long necklaces. I know this seems like a strange thing but I just prefer them and I always think they look good on shorter women. That being said, they have to be the *right* length – Alhambra 20 motif, I find, is perfect (note that this argument has not proven especially compelling with Mr. Feather).  I like it when they hit right under the breast, above the waist. When they start to go near the waist or even below…its kind of cutting you off at that point and can have the same unflattering effect on your torso as a drop waist.

Those are my tips for being short…or as its called these days, “pleasantly petite.” Whats your own body type and what are your rules that you stick to?

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  • Reply
    April 23, 2018 at 10:06 am

    good morning! The best part of this post is the picture. Love! I’m short but i’m pretty much just wear anything i like haha:)

  • Reply
    Engineer L
    April 23, 2018 at 1:20 pm

    I’m also short with a longer torso and love wearing long necklaces. I think they make my neck look longer, and thus I look taller? Another rule for me is no midi skirts. They make my legs look comically stubby. I prefer to wear above-the-knee skirts.

  • Reply
    April 23, 2018 at 1:48 pm

    Ha ha?Yes a girl after my own heart! You have a tremendous sense of humour for a non Brit. I am not exactly short (or petite as current euphumism goes) but I have quelle horreur- very short legs in proportion to my body. You have no idea how hard it is to wear jeans! Choosing jeans is like a major annual event for me. I have to book a week off.

  • Reply
    Monica G.
    April 23, 2018 at 10:18 pm

    Haha, I totally agree with you! The “don’ts” are definitely as important as the “do’s”! I am a rectangle shape of average height also with a long torso and shorter legs. I gravitate towards high necklines, off-the-shoulder tops, high-waisted ankle pants, and pointy shoes. I stay away from long tunic tops, tight skirts, puffed sleeves, and mid-calf boots. I love Reformation pieces, but I am always irked that they put a puff-sleeve on everything. It makes things look so froufrou and adds unnecessary bulk to my shoulders 🙁

  • Reply
    April 24, 2018 at 5:36 am

    You hit the nail on the head. Its so hard to shop for petites. I want to try every style out there, but alas, my body doesnt cooperate :). Anyhow, I like to always tell myself structured clothes is what I need. Too often these days I am buying looser clothing which looks horrible in photos. I make a list of rules to follow and still get carried away when I see lovely things….well I guess we need to keep trying…

  • Reply
    April 24, 2018 at 7:26 am

    Great post, and now for the other side. I am 5’10” and buying pants has always been difficult. A couple years ago all the jeans were super long so everyone had to get them hemmed, not me, I loved it. Sadly that is no longer the case, but the Madewell extra longs do the trick. And don’t even get me started about towering over everyone in middle school, fun times! I can’t tell you how many times I wished I was short, so we all have our hang ups. Love your blog, even if it’s skewed to the petit!

  • Reply
    April 25, 2018 at 7:58 am

    I try to stick to wearing petite clothing now. It’s harder to find and there’s less of a selection, but I find that I look taller when my clothes actually fit right!

  • Reply
    April 25, 2018 at 6:46 pm

    I absolutely LOVE that photo! So cute!

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