
Blog Talk Vol. 6

Sale PSA: A pretty floral maxi dress from Sea, now $190, high waist crop jeans from Levi’s, now 30% off, and a classic lightweight short sleeve shirt from J.Crew, now 40% off.

Hello! Another volume of chatter this week. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Mood: Overall positive! We’ve had nice warm weather in the Bay Area (yes I’ve become that relative of yours who always starts with some boring remark on the weather). It truly feels that we are nearing….some kind of a better season, no more terrible feelings of seeing that line creep up on infections/deaths, and the flowers are coming into bloom. That being said there are so many areas of the world (like Brazil) which are still suffering the full brunt of Covid. It’s surreal, after a year of mask denying and what not, to feel that we are now living in a country that is relatively “on top of things.” I think about it a lot. It is far from fair.

Kids: Remote, remote, remote. We’ve been super Covid conscious and this week starting booking activities like the zoo, etc. Hooray for something different than endless hikes and parks and trails! In my household it is my husband who is more paranoid – if it weren’t for him I think our Covid experience might have been a little different. But I understand that in his world he is trying to keep us safe.

We’re starting to figure out summer plans, and plug in the gaps with school starting in the fall and camps. I’ve signed up for two but there are still some big gaps, not least because we still have Covid concerns given that the kids won’t be vaccinated. It’s interesting, as for the first time we are having some philosophical discussions in the household – how scheduled do we want our kids to be? How “academic” do we want their activities? Silicon Valley is a pretty competitive place, and we have friends who fall on all sides of that spectrum. For me, I fall more on the “hippier” side of things – I don’t care if my kids spend hours doing basic play at home and etc. Of course I want them to be successful, but I believe that outside of a stable family life, so much of that is out of your control, especially as they get older. But I’d love to hear from some parents with older children who have already been on that journey!

Shopping. Top of my wishlist right now is the Zimmermann dress above! I love the print, the tie, the length. The only I don’t like is the price. But I’m in the mood to shop lately. I actually have been dreaming about going to the mall…going into stores…trying things on and buying them. Before Covid, I hadn’t really browsed a mall in ages. I hope that going though everything in 2020 helps revive in-person retail some, as they need it!

Another recent purchase: this foot peel, from Target. I’m kind of mixed on it (did I already link it in a past post?). I thought I would LOVE it and was anticipating shedding my dead skin like a snake. It hasn’t really happened though. But my foot does look like it’s in slightly better shape. The price is right at least!

Finally, my biggest problem lately:

Sleep. I’ve been having problems getting enough sleep. Some of it is my late night reading habit…I almost feel as if my body has been conditioned to feel super sleepy right up until around ~10:30 PM or so, and then I feel very awake! It’s so different than those early baby days when I could sleep right at 930 PM and conk out. It’s crazy because after young children I promised I’d always have good sleep habits going forward, especially when I had the luxury of such….interesting how habits slide. Anyway, I need to sleep more. I’m pretty sure everyone’s having this issue though, I’m not special. But would love to hear what you guys are doing for sleep, what your sleep habits are!

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  • Reply
    Jaime Stephens
    April 12, 2021 at 6:56 am

    That dress is gorgeous and would look wonderful on you. As my sister Whitney would say, “You only go round once.” As far as sleep is concerned, I have chronic insomnia and am constantly tired and sleep deprived. I try to take a nap when I can – I usually feel better but then have difficulty falling asleep that night. A vicious cycle!

    • Reply
      April 12, 2021 at 11:22 am

      That makes sense. And I love hearing thoughts from Whitney šŸ™‚

  • Reply
    April 12, 2021 at 7:39 am

    Not sure if you read Chinese books, but there’s a former actress in Japan with a PhD in Education who wrote a book on how she raised her three children who all ended up attending Stanford (she herself obtained her PhD there). The title is 50å€‹ę•™č‚²ę³• – ꈑꊊäø‰å€‹å…’子送兄äŗ†å²äø¹ē¦. It’s my next book after the Obama memoir (700 pages!)

    • Reply
      April 12, 2021 at 11:22 am

      I don’t but I wish I did!! Please report how you like it šŸ™‚

  • Reply
    April 12, 2021 at 1:02 pm

    I have sleep issues, mostly related to age, I think (Iā€™ll be 70 in
    May.). Major issue is I have to wake up to pee…multiple times…occasionally every hour! Those are terrible nights. I never fell asleep easily…I took a Tylenol PM for years…then stopped because I thought I should. Iā€™ve tried edible CBD…not consistent. Now I am taking a few puff of flower…works most of the time. Never tried a prescription and donā€™t want to…Melatonin didnā€™t help at all. At least I am retired, so can take a nap if I need to! ?

    • Reply
      April 13, 2021 at 5:38 pm

      What is puff of flower?? I tried to Google and couldn’t find anything!

  • Reply
    April 12, 2021 at 10:08 pm

    Tons of sleep issues! Had it before COVID, but the pandemic has exacerbated it. I dabble between the following lengthy list:

    -CBD gummies, oil, tincture
    -Melatonin gummies
    -Glass of wine before bed
    -No screen, relaxing music only and a book before bed

    They work sporadically with weed or a glass of wine being the best failsafe for those “I have to get some sleep tonight” nights.

    • Reply
      April 13, 2021 at 5:38 pm

      Ahh this is so interesting! Wine makes me stay awake!!

  • Reply
    April 14, 2021 at 4:27 am

    For better sleep: try taking vitamin D, more important when you get older, also helps against feeling tired. My doctor recommends daily vit D for people with a bit of tinted skin it and office workers, you do not get enough from the sun. Lately my optician and dentist said vit D also helps maintaining healthy gum and against dry eyes ( I have no shares in vit D production šŸ™‚

  • Reply
    April 15, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    Like you, I would like my kids to be successful but I want them to have a happy childhood as well. I think I am doing a reasonable job balancing that, making sure that they are doing well in school with no extra academic classes. Extracurricular activities are only pursuits they enjoy & love – music (no certifications/exams), swimming (not competitive, pre Covid) and tap dancing for one of them. Do I sometimes wonder if my kids are missing out from extra academic classes? Absolutely but I have no desire to keep up with anyone else ??ā€ā™€ļø?

  • Reply
    April 23, 2021 at 8:07 am

    I have life long insomnia issues and the one thing that helped me is magnesium. It’s so important to our bodies and most everyone is deficient. Take the tablets before bed (glycinate form is best) some magnesium (like Calm powder) can cause loose stools.
    If you do take Vitamin D, it’s best to take that early in the day as it can cause sleeplessness.

    Can’t wait to read your new book. I’m so interested in your character, Alice!

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