
Weekend Update

This week, sharing this chic midi tee dress from Madewell, currently 25% off.

I love tee dresses! I wear them all the time. Definitely one of my “preschool pickup outfits” (believe me I have much more shameful outfits some days). Easy comfortable and machine washable. And I love the color on this one and the slit.

2. Start with this piece, from the Atlantic, about an influencer’s “surprise” engagement. Wow! Do you ever follow these events with tons of updates? I never do. I’m an old lady and get bored of the whole thing within one or two photos.

3. An interesting piece, via The Business of Fashion, about very expensive vs inexpensive cashmere. I’m still a cashmere addict. Always have always will.

4. I have mixed feelings piece, via the WSJ, on the biggest ways people waste money. There’s also a follow up with the best money advice people ever got. Some of the advice is good, some other…well its up to you to decide. I don’t think it’s necessarily productive to shame people for their latte drinks. The NYT also did a piece on that! Honestly the WSJ piece seems a little lazy and I usually love the Journal.

5. This week I read A Manual For Cleaning Women, by Lucia Berlin.

So how I found my way to this book is kind of random. I really love the book Runaway, by Alice Munro, and then I recently heard that Pedro Almodovar, the director, had made a movie based on a character, Juliet, who is in a few of the stories. I was so impressed by Almodovar doing this that I then decided to research his favorite books, and he listed this as one of his very top. So I got it! And it’s wonderful. The style is clean, direct, and very very atmospheric. Not light reading though. Not necessarily “feel good”. But not pretentious. Just incredible art. If you like short stories, and if you like Pedro Almodovar (I can totally see why this is one of his top books), I highly recommend A Manual For Cleaning Women.

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  • Reply
    June 28, 2019 at 9:49 am

    Thank you so much for the book recommendation. I love Pedro Almodovar movies! My favorites PA movies are Bad Education and Talk To Her. I did enjoy Julieta. I will order the book.

    • Reply
      June 28, 2019 at 11:48 am

      Ahh! Please try Runaway first then. I admire Pedro so much more after reading about this. How many other male directors of his acclaim level direct movies based on short stories by women??

      • Reply
        June 28, 2019 at 1:12 pm

        I’ve been meaning to read books by Alice Munro. The protagonist in The Skin I Live In was reading a book by Alice Munro. The Skin I Live In is somewhat disturbing.

        • Reply
          June 28, 2019 at 2:40 pm

          Pedro loves books. I love him for that. OK I changed my mind, start with Lucia Berlin first, because I think you are a Pedro superfan and Berlin is closest to his tone and sensibility.

          • Diane W
            June 30, 2019 at 5:11 pm

            I am not inclined to follow instagram influencers, and I think it’s largely due to my age. Recently, I found a delightful Japanese couple, married 38 years, and in their 60’s, who have me captivated with their style and energy. They wear matching outfits every day, (We’re not talking souvenir t-shirts.) They are coordinated in a cute, chic way. …And they don’t seem to take themselves too seriously. They always put a smile on my face.
            or maybe
            (Sometimes I get links wrong….)

          • Liz |
            June 30, 2019 at 6:49 pm

            Thank you for sharing! I’m following them now!

  • Reply
    July 1, 2019 at 6:48 am

    I noticed them a few years ago – glad to see they are still at it!

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