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Shopping Your (My) Closet

Sale PSA: A boiled cashmere pullover from Vince, now 25% off, a pretty metallic cocktail dress from Saloni, now 40% off (also love this longer gown, also 40% off!), and a mesh tote from Boyy, now under $420 (I am oddly drawn to this as is the case with quite a few bags from this brand)

Lately I’ve been thinking I need to shop my closet more. I always SAY I’m going to do this but it’s always different in execution, you know? In reality I just make a sweep of the existing clothes, going: “I should wear this” to various pieces gathering dust in my closet. Upon which I go back to wearing the same stuff as before. Having recently completed a big project I’ve now started on some spring cleaning and as such began to re-organize my closet – I was determined to find some items I’d “forgotten” about and place them back into regular rotation. To force myself to do this, I actually took out each of these items and put them front and center – Aad honestly, I’ve found some goodies I’m really excited about adding back into my regular rotation!

Here, sharing some items I recently re-found after some neglect:

Hermes Caducee Rock shawl: I found this too late and it is warm now. I will probably have to wait til the end of the year but I love this pattern and colorway so much, it’s so cool. And the smaller 100 size (I think which is supposed to be for “men”) but which I love as it easier to shove into a bag. If there’s cold days before spring I’ll be using this for sure!

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